Monday, June 23, 2008


We began Vacation Bible School at church this morning, or BVS as Madelyne and Gabriel call it. I realized once I started talking to a room full of 5th and 6th graders that perhaps my voice isn't commanding enough for this older group of kids. I am used to the little ones. I've never taught kids older than 2nd grade, and it is a whole new ball game. These kids don't respond to sweet talk. Anyway, it's exhausting but the atmosphere is really exciting. I love it when all the people come together to serve. I love wearing matching shirts and being on the same team. I love the songs and motions. I love a sanctuary full of children praising God at the same time. VBS is awesome. The only thing I don't like is having to have my kids dressed and at church at 8:00 in the morning for a whole week. It's a whole week of Sunday mornings and Sunday mornings are not our proudest moments. Everyone is grouchy. It's seems harder to get going. I think Satan knows where we're going and he isn't going to let it be easy to get there. So, we pray against him and press on because I know that when we get there my babies are going to grow and learn more about God and just how much He loves them. They love VBS. Andrew is teaching again this year which makes it that much more awesome because we get to experience everything as a family. Today was Wave 1 and the truth we learned...God is real.

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