Wednesday, November 05, 2008

heading for the border...

I know it's been forever since I last posted and I am so sorry. I know you've all been on the edge of your seat with anticipation for when I would post again. The truth is that I believe I may be the only one who reads this blog. I use it as a diary of sorts. 8-)

My heart is heart is sad for the choice that our country made on election day. If I felt they had made their choice out of some sort of conviction then the blow might be easier to bare, but I don't believe that is the case. I believe the majority of our nation voted for a man based on the color of his skin. Please...don't misunderstand, that fact that for the first time in history we have an African-American president is an exciting and amazing milestone for our nation. The problem lies in the character of the man...not in the color of his skin. There are plenty of amazing people (black and white) who would have been a thousand times better for this job. A man who's character is such that he can support the brutal murder of innocent unborn babies is not the man I want making decisions for my family. So where do we go from here...I'm just gonna pray. If God can change Paul's heart...Paul, a man who's life's work was killing and persecuting Christian's, then God is certainly capable of moving in the heart of Barack Obama. So if he is indeed going to be the president of the United States of America, then we will just unite together in praying that he surrenders and chooses to walk a path of righteousness. My God is big and He's mighty and He's faithful and He is ready to move when we call upon His name. My God is also a gentleman...He doesn't force Himself on any of us. He has given us a choice...and He says that we have not because we ask not. So will you all please join with me in fervently praying for the heart of our soon to be president and the heart of our nation.

Also...while we are on the subject of prayer 8-) My family (Andrew, me, Nathaniel, Madelyne, Gabriel, Isaiah, and my sister Abbey) and the Hager family (Bo, Holli, Shelton, Megan, Caroline, Garrett, and their unborn baby girl 8-) will be heading to a place called Morelos, Mexico. We will leave this Friday. The trip there should take around 22 hours. We will spend a week there at a house called Casa Hogar. It is a safe house for children who have been abandoned or removed from unfit homes. The children range in ages from infants to 18 years old. Our mission while we are there is for Andrew to set up computers in a school house that was recently completed there, Bo will be doing some building and plumbing projects, and Holli, myself, and the kids will be loving on the children and helping the house parents in any way we can. These children are desperate for the love of Jesus, and I want desperately for us to succeed in demonstrating that love next week. So will you please pray, and ask your friends to pray that God blesses this trip. Please pray that we are faithful in demonstrating His love. Please pray that God would break down the language barrier and that we are able to communicate with these children in ways only God can facilitate. Please pray that we are useful and productive in helping with their needs. And please pray for safe travel. We appreciate any and all prayers. I am excited!

Now that I have written a book I will let you all go...or let myself go. If you are reading this I want to you to know that I love you! 8-)

1 comment:

Tami W said...

I have been and will keep praying for your trip and what God will be doing.