As part of my first entry to this journal of sorts I would just like to say that this may or it may not be something I keep up with. I would like to think that it will be a good outlet for my thoughts and all that jazz. I enjoy reading other peoples blogs, but life is also a little crazy right now. It's a little presumptuous of me to think I will have the minutes in a day to sit and type my thoughts. They may have to stay locked in this treasure chest I call my head for now. Although I 'm not sure how much treasure is hidden away there. Having just had my fourth baby(Isaiah) only two months ago I tend to think my thoughts are more like cotton candy than treasure. Sometimes they're sweet and fluffy, and sometimes they're just a big sticky mess. Pink cotton candy of course. (Sometimes I even make myself sick 8-) Anyway, if you're reading this and you think you might journey back to this blog sometime I just wanted you all to be warned. This blog comes with a big fat CAUTION SIGN!
Hey! I love your pink blog! I also love the cotton candy reference. Very clever! Come and visit mine. I've only posted once, and it wasn't even original...:)
Are you sure your baby is only 2 months old? He looks more like two years old?
Ha. I love you :)
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