This blog is just hard to keep up with ya know. Too much goes on in my day and in my head to stop and figure out what is blog worthy and what should just remain locked away. The fact of the matter is that I am busy with a whole lot of nothing. I feel like my days are swamped, but if you asked me to recap I would be hard pressed to come up with anything terribly pressing or for that matter interesting that I have done today. I do make a lot of meals and change a lot of diapers. I give baths and wipe noses. I read books and clean up messes. I make tents and referee a lot of battles. To me these things make up a very full and exciting day, but to the rest of the world it's not much to blog about. Anyway, I do enjoy reading the blogs of other people.
So, what's new? There really isn't anything new, just consistently crazy. We're getting ready to start school in a few weeks. I will be teaching Nathaniel(2nd grade), Madelyne(K5), and Gabriel(K4) this year. How do I feel about this? I am both excited and terrified all at the same time. It is a little scary having the fate of your children's education resting on your mostly inadequate shoulders. I do know that God does not call us to do ANYTHING that He hasn't already equipped us to do. Now, there have been several times when I did things on my own without consulting God first only to realize about half way through that He hadn't equipped me because he hadn't intended on me doing it in the first place. On the flip side of that I have succeeded in things only to find no joy in it because God's hand wasn't in it to begin with. What is the moral of this story? Confer with God daily on where He wants you and what He wants you to be doing. It's the best sure fire way to find peace and joy in everything you do. 8-) Consider that your tidbit for the day.
God really is so good to me. Even when He is teaching me a lesson and because of my stubborn nature I have to learn it the hard way. Just the fact that He continues to teach me is testament to what a great and loving God He is.
1 comment:
I find your blogs very interesting, because you are a very interesting person! Keep them coming!
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