Saturday, July 21, 2007


So, Andrew arranged for his mom to come and get the kids this evening so that he could take me on a "birthday date" because Monday is my birthday. I have been asking him for days where we were going and he wouldn't tell me. He kept saying it was a surprise. I was all ready to go when he got home from work. Now, where we were going I had NO clue, and to top it all off he blindfolded me when we got in the car. I rode the entire way to destination "surprise" blindfolded. I thought I was going to throw up by the time we got there. He was not kind with his driving either. Lots of sudden stops and speeding. Anyway, when we got there he helped me out of the car, ya know because I couldn't see and all, and he led me down a little pathway. When he took my blindfold off I was standing in front of my sweet friends and my babies and they all yelled "SURPRISE!". I cried! It was so sweet. I love! love! love! being with people, and to have some of my most favorite people in the whole world gather together to celebrate my birthday with me was just amazing. I was stunned. As a matter of fact I was so stunned that it took me forever to gather by bearings and talk and enjoy everyone. I really hope they all realized how excited I was because I was just in shock for the longest time. They had decorated with pink, and of course "pink is my signature color". (If you've never seen the movie "Steele Magnolias" then you will not get that line, and if you've never seen "Steele Magnolias" you need to get off the computer right now and go rent it because it's like the best movie EVER!) They had a pink birthday tiara for me to wear that was fabulous. The cake Andrew had gotten had a beach scene on it, and if you read my previous blog then you know that I LOVE the beach. 8-) I got some really precious cards and sweet gifts. The whole thing was just precious to me. Here's the deal. For as long as I can remember I have wanted a surprise birthday party, but you can't tell someone you want a surprise party because then it's not a surprise. So over the years I have had wonderful regular birthday parties, but no one has ever cared to surprise me. So this was an incredible gesture to me. I was absolutely honored and blessed by every ones presence tonight. You thrilled my soul, and I was TOTALLY caught off guard. THANK YOU to my sweet husband, the friends who helped put it together, and the sweet friends and family who attended. I love you all with all my hearts and circles!

1 comment:

Holli said...

We love you with all of our hearts and circles too! You are an amazing friend, mother, wife, and woman of God. It was a blessing to bless you!