Thursday, September 11, 2008

convictions galore

For the last couple of weeks God has been sifting and churning within me so many things that He desires to change, fine tune, be rid of altogether, and for me to surrender to Him. He has shown me things He wants me to do, things He wants me to hand over to Him, and things He adores in me. God is moving. I love it when God moves because I feel honored that He loves me enough to not allow me to become complacent. I never want to just be. The stinky part is that when God starts moving Satan fights harder to have the control. To put it mildly there has been a battle. I have been so aware of every way and situation that I am not being the woman that God wants me to be. I believe God is showing me these things. God wants me to surrender in these ways, but Satan seeks to shame me into believing that I can't be the wife, mommy, and child of God that Jesus says that I am. Well, here is a news flash for Satan...GET LOST! I am writing this in case there is just one person who reads this blog and might possibly struggle in the area of what kind of person you are. Cause you see...we all make mistakes, but we have a couple of ways to deal with that. We can sit in the lie that we can't get past this and we aren't "good christians" or "good mommies" or "good wives", or we can claim that Jesus has redeemed it all and every moment we have the opportunity to choose to walk in His ways. We are forgiven. We are loved. We are God's beautiful children whom He adores. Don't dwell on where you've messed up. Dwell in the redemptive power of our Savior and know that right now we CAN choose to live the ways God chooses for us to live. Live in the love that is our God. Maybe for some of you this makes no sense, but if any of this feels familiar to you then it is my prayer that you would rebuke the enemy and fall safely into the comforting arms of our loving Father with whom "there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus". Romans 8:1 8-)

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