Saturday, September 13, 2008

hanging with the homies...

We had a funtastical night hanging out at the Hager's house with the Heaps and the Carringers. It never fails that when we all get together there are many moments of hysteria. 8-) We decided we need a quote board to document the random phrases that are born out of an evening together. I would share them with you now, but i can't remember them correctly as it is midnight and I am exhausted. I am just feeling really blessed right now and I wanted to share that with you. It's been a warm and fuzzy day. The kind of day where I look around and see my beautiful babies and my sweet husband and feel so much peace and gratitude for the way God has blessed me. He has given me the best husband in the world, beautiful healthy babies, amazing friends that i adore, and so much more. I need to get my booty in the bed. I have to be up early to get all my blessings ready for church. Why can't church begin about 1 or 2 hours later than it does now. I think church should start at about 11:00. We could start at 11:00, break for church wide lunch and fellowship, and then reconvene for more worship. I like that plan. 8-)Someone form a committee and get right on that.

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