It drives my hubby CRAZY when I argue politics. Not with him, because he doesn't argue politics with anybody. Plus, we agree on pretty much everything praise the Lord. 8-) He says that arguing politics is pointless because it is not productive. He says it's not as if you are actually going to change someones mind. He says that you should just be proactive in helping what you believe and let that be the change you make. I have a hard time with that. I tend to be an argumentative person. When I speak to someone that believes in something that I think is INSANE I want to tell them why they are wrong. That doesn't usually go over so well thus making my husbands point that arguing politics is useless. Unfortunately the majority of the people in my life that I don't see eye to eye with are close family members. So here's the deal...I absolutely cannot support anything that Barack Obama does because he sees nothing wrong with killing babies. Now, lots of people believe that this is not a major issue and that it doesn't effect our country thus not making it important to them. Well, get over yourself. The fact of the matter is that when even one child loses their life then it's an issue that should be taken VERY SERIOUSLY, but it's not just one child that loses their life.
In the United states approximately 1.37 million abortions are performed every year. There are roughly 3,700 babies that lose their lives EVERY DAY!
Throughout the world there are about 42 million abortions performed in a year, and an estimated 115,000 babies that lose their lives every single day.
This is NOT alright. This is a disgusting tragedy that should effect every person of every political party, of every race, of every religion, of every nationality. You see, it's not just about an issue. It's about humanity. It's about respecting life. So as far as political candidates this is the issue that I look at more than any other because this speaks volumes about character. If you don't mind the brutal murder of helpless, innocent babies then what else do you just not really care about. How is it that you would be in the best interest of the children in our country when you won't even give them the opportunity to LIVE.
I couldn't have said it better. How anyone cannot look at a child and not be against abortion is beyond me. But, you're right...most times you cannot argue the point with someone. We just have to pray for their eyes to be opened and their hearts to be changed.
Although I understand your perspective,I must say that I disagree. Barack Obama never said he wanted to "kill babies". If that was it, then McCain is in favor of women being raped.
He isn't, and I know that, but i could make that statement based on the fact that he is against abortion.
Listen, you and me and others hate abortion, but that doesn't give us the right to make decisions for others. If they wanted to perform abortion, then that's their choice. They chose that, and it's between them and God. If we took that choice away from them, then we are being manipulative and want others to see things our way, which in fact is ridicules! because no one ever agrees on everything!!
Thats Obama's view, he doesn't like the idea of abortion, but doesn't want to be the barrier between a women and her happiness. McCain,on the other hand, doesn't care. He wants women to do as told even if raped or sexually harassed.
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