Well we are home and back into the swing of life. It was a fun trip. Andrew worked his buns off, but the kids and I had a great time. 8-) We played at the pool all day and relaxed in the hotel. The best part was my big marshmallow bed. The best bed there ever was! I have never in my life slept on a mattress that wonderful before. I meant to look and see what kind of mattress it was, but I forgot. It was a king sized bed. We used to have a king, but we went to a queen because it seemed more intimate. 8-) Anyway, the bed had about 10 down pillows on it and a big fluffy down comforter. All the bedding was white so when you were on the bed it felt like laying a big fluffy marshmallow. The drapes in the room were heavy so when they were drawn you couldn't even tell it was daytime outside. I could have slept for days in that place. 8-) I miss the marshmallow. We didn't sleep all week I promise. It was just a nice break from the routine. The babies did awesome in the car. I don't think we had even one fight on the way there or on the way back. Isaiah was a trooper in his car seat. He just watched his movies and looked at books. 8-) They were great! I am very proud of them. Because of their great behavior Daddy won't be afraid to take another road trip. 8-) We will actually be heading back to South Carolina again at the end of September for more training, and again in October to my most favorite place in the world...THE BEACH! YAY!
So the only stinky thing about being gone it that I really miss seeing friends/family, and I REALLY missed being at church. I miss worship. Not that we can't worship where ever we are, but there is something powerful about standing in a room with other believers singing praises to our AWESOME GOD. I love it. It is nourishing to my soul even. That is a very intimate time with God for me. I missed having that this past week. God and I have a date this week for some serious time of worship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We will be worshiping HIM of course. 8-)
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